In 2016 I came across the non-dual teachings of Rupert Spira. His approach to Advaita resonated deeply with me and addressed my original questions: Who am I? Why am I not content with my life?
It is the knowing of our true "I" or Being - temporarily veiled by the thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions of our different selves - that brings the peace and happiness that we seek. This was formulated in sanskrit over two thousand years ago as "sat chit ananda": knowing Being happiness.
Rupert has had a long association with a charity in London called The Study Society at Colet House. Among other non-dual spiritual practices, it is home to the whirling dervishes (pictured left in the top studio of Colet House). In my journey from Voice Dialogue to Advaita - from selves to Self - I have been drawn into an ever closer relationship with Colet House and am now privileged to be on the board of trustees of The Study Society.
Below are some video clips of Rupert and others talking about non-duality.
Rupert and Cali Alpert from the Omega Institute’s Dropping In podcast discuss the true self, the importance of the non-dual understanding in easing global suffering, why self-knowledge is essential and why it takes courage to pursue it. They discuss why happiness so often eludes us, how self-enquiry eventually gives way to self-abidance and how that allows our own, innate peace and happiness to shine. Cali also asks Rupert about his own spiritual journey and why non-duality is often called the direct-path.
In this conversation about the hard problem of consciousness a questioner asks how we can know that consciousness is not an emergent phenomenon. How can we say that consciousness is infinite and eternal?
A conversation about sharing the non-dual understanding in therapy.