In 2010 I created an online program to introduce people to the basic concepts and practices of Voice Dialogue and the psychology of selves. It contained 7 modules with video presentations, reading material and exercises. I took the program offline in 2023 as the focus of my interest shifted primarily to the non-dual teachings.
I still believe that, at the relative level, Voice Dialogue can be a very valuable tool for helping us deal with the many issues and challenges that arise in our lives. At a deeper level it invites us to rest into the "space" beyond the duality of selves - that in which all the selves arise; the one Being or Self that we all share. As such I would now describe Voice Dialogue as a psycho-spiritual or progressive path practice.
I have placed a selection of the video presentations from my online program below for those who wish to understand more about Voice Dialogue. Please ignore references to next steps and other materials that were part of the original program. If you have any questions after viewing the modules please get in touch. (Best viewed using Firefox or Chrome.)
Our personality made up of many different "selves" or parts. In this first module we will focus on the more dominant or primary selves and discover an amazing "operating system" that protects us and keeps us safe in the world.
For every dominant self with which we identify with there is another that gets hidden away in the shadows. In this module we will invite the "darker sides" of our personality to step into the light, discover the purpose that each of them has, and show how they can bring us new and creative ways to handle life's challenges.
Although it doesn't feel like it, the inner voice that's constantly criticizing us and telling us what we should look like, how we should behave, and what we should think and say, is actually trying to protect us. Our Inner Critic simply wants us to follow the rules laid down by our family, society and culture.
How would it feel to stand between your many selves and to take control of them instead of having them take control of you? In this module we will explore 'The Choice Point', a place in the middle where we get to embrace our opposing selves and to listen objectively to their conflicting voices.
Here we redefine relationship as teacher, healer and guide. We explore the dynamics of relationship to help better understand the roots of conflict, why we attract the people we do, and how we can break recurring patterns of behaviour. We will discover how to create loving 'no fault' relationships in which we can communicate our needs, hopes and fears in a more open and honest way.
Our unconscious is relentless in its wish for us to be emotionally and physically in balance. In this module we explore the different ways it "knocks on our door". Working with dreams, fantasies and physical sensations, we find out how to access and interpret the messages our unconscious is sending us.